tangible progress

I've been eating well this week (not perfectly, but well). I'm trying to follow the 90% rule for eating, so I eat well for 18 or 19 meals a week. The other 2 or 3 won't be the healthiest, but that's ok. I will never achieve perfection for a long period of time in this area, so it's better to just do the best I can 90% of the time rather than to eat perfectly for a few weeks and then eat like crap for another few. I've also been taking long, regular walks with the dog. My goal here again will not be to do this everyday, but to do it 5 or 6 days a week. Now that my work schedule is changing, I will be able to take morning walks every other week, and take evening walks on the alternate week. (I'm working 8am to 4:30pm one week and 9am to 5:30pm the next).

The scale today said: 342.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a healthy attitude! Seems many people think if you aren't 100% perfect it's time to quit!