fast, day 1

As I contemplated some changes I need to make within myself and some addictions I need to break, I decided to start a 40 day juice fast. At this point, this fast is very personal and I don't feel like writing too specifically on some of the facets of the fast. I will say, though, that a few other guys from the Real Men of Genius group I go to at Pulpit Rock Church are also starting today, so I'm not going it alone, and I'm able to share my experience discreetly with them.

My friend Brian started the fast a couple days ago and it's been helpful watching what he's dealing with and getting some advice from someone a couple steps ahead. He's on day 6 and is fully over any hunger pangs.

I woke up at 10am after going to bed late from New Years Eve. I ate well last night, but I didn't eat too much. Probably too much for starting a 40 day fast the next morning, though. I woke up with a sinus headache that persisted until late afternoon. As a result, I really didn't do much other than read, pray, and surf the web until around 4. I did drink water throughout the day and when I got some mild hunger pangs in the afternoon I gulped a couple tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar to get rid of them. Big mistake. Almost immediately the vinegar came back up, and the dry heaves aggravated my headache for a couple hours. If I take any tomorrow, I'll be sure to mix it in some water and I'll add honey.

In the evening I went to Sam's Club for Vitamin Water and Wild Oats to buy some fruits and vegetables to juice. Sam's was closed, but I was able to get some grapefruit, apples, kiwis, kale, a big 15 pound bag of carrots, and a couple of store-brand vitamin waters. Hopefully I'll have time to swing by Sam's tomorrow to pick up a case.

Brian warned me that it was tough for him to fall asleep the first two or three nights. As I write I'm drinking some Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea (my favorite tea they make) so I can minimize my time thinking about food in the dark. It's time to sign off and start reading the Word.


Flabbyironman said...

hang in there. I hope today went well. I'm glad you've started a blog.